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7 Ways to Set achievable Goals and Crush Them with Confidence


“Dream big, start small, but most of all, start.” – Simon Sinek

Setting goals is a fundamental part of achieving success and personal growth. Whether it’s in our careers, relationships, health, or personal aspirations, goals provide us with direction and purpose. However, merely setting goals is not enough; we need effective strategies to reach them. In this article, we will explore the essential steps to setting achievable goals and the strategies to accomplish them.

In this article, we delve into the transformative impact of setting realistic goals and how they pave the way for success. By embracing the art of setting attainable goals, we can unlock our true potential, maximize our motivation, and enjoy a greater sense of fulfillment on our journey towards achievement.


  1. Specific goals:

When it comes to setting goals, it’s important to be specific. After all, vague goals like “be successful” or “get in shape” can be as elusive as a unicorn. Instead, try setting goals that are as specific as possible, like “run a 10k in under an hour” or “finally clean out the junk drawer in the kitchen.”

Research on goal setting and achievement has shown that setting specific and challenging goals increases motivation and performance. When goals are clearly defined and measurable, individuals have a clearer sense of direction and are more likely to put in the effort necessary to reach their objectives. Specific goals also provide a benchmark for evaluating progress along the way.

Of course, specificity doesn’t have to be boring. For example, if your goal is to learn a new language, make it specific by saying “I want to be able to order tacos in Spanish without looking like a gringo.” Or, if you want to start meditating, try setting a goal like “I want to be able to clear my mind for 10 minutes a day, so I can finally stop thinking about that embarrassing thing I did in high school.”


  1. Make goals Measurable:

Making goals measurable is like putting a target on a dartboard—without it, you’re just throwing darts blindfolded at a wall. By adding a touch of humor to the mix, let’s imagine your goal is to eat healthier. Now, instead of saying, “I’ll eat more vegetables,” make it measurable with a twist. Aim for something like, “I’ll devour at least one salad a day, turning myself into a human rabbit!” See, by quantifying your goal, you have a clear measure of success and a fun image to keep you motivated.

Think about it: measurable goals are like having a fitness tracker for your aspirations. They give you concrete milestones to track progress, whether it’s counting the number of gym visits, the inches lost off your waistline, or the diminishing stack of chocolate bars in your pantry. 

It’s about turning your goals into numbers that you can proudly display, like a high score in a video game. So, grab a notepad, unleash your inner accountant, and start measuring those goals. It’s time to turn your ambitions into quantifiable victories and make life a playful game of achieving one measurable goal after another.


  1. Break Goals into Smaller Steps:

Breaking goals down into smaller, manageable steps has been found to enhance goal attainment. This approach, known as “chunking,” allows individuals to focus on one step at a time, reducing feelings of overwhelm and increasing the likelihood of success. By accomplishing smaller milestones, individuals build momentum and maintain motivation throughout the journey.

Breaking your goals down into smaller steps is a tried and true method for achieving success. But let’s face it, sometimes it can feel like you’re trying to eat an elephant one bite at a time. So, why not make it a bit more fun by breaking your goals down into bite-sized pieces that are easier to swallow?

For example, if your goal is to write a novel, don’t try to tackle it all at once. Break it down into small, manageable steps like “Write one page a day, so I can finally write ‘The End’ before I forget what the beginning was about.” Or, if you want to get in shape, start with small goals like “Do one push-up a day, so I can finally impress my cat with my newfound strength.”

By breaking your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment with each milestone you reach. Plus, it’s a lot easier to swallow a bite-sized piece of elephant than the whole thing at once! So, get started on your goals, and remember to break them down into small, digestible chunks that you can handle.


“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs


  1. Set Realistic Goals:

Setting realistic goals is important, but it doesn’t have to be a total buzzkill. In fact, by setting realistic goals, you can make it more attainable and motivating. So, let’s get real and set some goals that we can actually achieve!

For example, if your goal is to become a millionaire, let’s be real – it’s not going to happen overnight. So, set a realistic goal like “Save $5 a week, so I can finally afford to treat myself to a fancy coffee once a month.” Or, if you want to run a marathon, start with a realistic goal like “Run for 5 minutes without wheezing like a walrus, so I can finally feel like a real runner.”

By setting realistic goals, you’ll be more likely to stick with them and not get discouraged when things don’t go perfectly. Plus, it’s a lot more fun to celebrate small wins along the way! So, don’t aim for the stars just yet. Set some realistic goals that will help you get there eventually.


  1. Create a plan:

Creating a plan is a crucial step in achieving your goals. It’s like having a roadmap to guide you towards success. But let’s be real, creating a plan can be about as exciting as watching paint dry.

For example, if your goal is to start your own business, your plan might include steps like “Research potential business ideas, so I can finally stop fantasizing about becoming a professional cat herder.” Or, if you want to learn a new skill, your plan might include steps like “Watch one tutorial a day, so I can finally stop pretending I know what I’m doing when I attempt a new craft.”

By creating a plan, you’ll be more likely to stick with it and actually follow through. So, get out that pen and paper, and start creating a plan that will guide you towards achieving your goals. You can also read about how to build a stellar career plan.


In conclusion, the magic of setting realistic goals lies in their ability to guide us towards success while maintaining a sense of practicality and balance. By setting attainable targets, breaking them down into manageable steps, creating well-defined plans, and embracing adaptability, we unlock our true potential and cultivate a fulfilling journey of personal growth and achievement. So, let us embark on this transformative path, one realistic goal at a time.


  1. Hold Yourself accountable:

Holding yourself accountable is like being your own personal detective, constantly on the lookout for any signs of slacking or excuses. It’s about becoming the master of your own destiny and not letting yourself off the hook too easily. Picture this: you’re the judge, jury, and executioner of your own actions. And just like in a courtroom drama, you won’t tolerate any flimsy alibis or half-hearted efforts.

Accountability is the secret ingredient that turns lofty aspirations into tangible results. It’s the voice in your head that says, “Hey, remember that goal you set? Time to step up and make it happen!” Think of it as having a strict yet caring coach who holds you to your promises and keeps you focused on the prize.

Sure, accountability can be tough, like having a strict teacher who assigns homework and checks it diligently. But deep down, you know it’s for your own good. It’s the driving force that pushes you beyond your comfort zone, helping you grow and achieve things you never thought possible.

So, put on your detective hat, hold yourself accountable, and be your own personal cheerleader. Celebrate your victories, learn from your setbacks, and keep pushing forward. After all, the only one who can truly hold you back or propel you forward is yourself.


  1. Stay Flexible:

Staying flexible is like being a graceful dancer on life’s ever-changing stage. It’s about being able to do the splits when unexpected obstacles come your way or twirl with ease when plans take an unexpected turn. Think of yourself as a superhero with the power to stretch and adapt.

Life is a wild and unpredictable adventure, and staying flexible allows you to roll with the punches and keep moving forward. It’s like doing yoga for your goals—stretching yourself to embrace new possibilities and finding creative solutions when things don’t go as planned.

Being flexible means having the ability to bend but not break, to adjust your sails when the winds of change blow in a different direction. It’s like having an elastic mindset that allows you to see opportunities in the midst of challenges and turn setbacks into stepping stones.

So, don’t be a rigid rock, be a flexible acrobat. Embrace the unexpected, keep an open mind, and remember that life’s greatest adventures often come from the detours. Stay flexible, and you’ll find yourself pirouetting through the twists and turns of life with a smile on your face and a skip in your step.


Here are a few books that delve into the topic of setting and achieving goals:



“Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones” by James Clear – This book explores the power of small habits and how they can lead to significant changes and goal attainment.

Famous quote: “Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress. A handful of problems arise when you spend too much time thinking about your goals and not enough time designing your systems. Achievement is not about what you can do in a day or a week; it’s about what you can sustain over the long run. Your goal is your desired outcome, but your system is the collection of daily habits that will get you there.”

Read Book Now: E-book | Paperback | Audiobook


“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey – This classic book offers a holistic approach to personal and professional effectiveness, including strategies for setting and achieving goals.

Famous Quote: “Begin with the end in mind. To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going, so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction. Visualization is an immensely powerful tool in goal setting. When you visualize your goals with clarity, you create a mental image that serves as a compass, guiding your actions and decisions along the way.”

Read Book Now: E-book | Paperback | Audiobook

“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck – Dweck explores the concept of mindset and how adopting a growth mindset can enhance goal achievement and personal development.

Famous Quote: “The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value. People with a fixed mindset believe their abilities and intelligence are fixed traits, while those with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Embracing a growth mindset allows you to set more ambitious goals, persist in the face of challenges, and ultimately achieve greater success.”

Read Book Now: E-book | Paperback | Audiobook

“The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months” by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington – This book introduces a system for setting shorter, more focused goals and increasing productivity within a condensed timeframe.

Famous Quote: “The problem with annual goals is that they provide a false sense of security. They lull you into a belief that you have plenty of time to make progress. In reality, annual goals often create procrastination and inefficiency. By setting shorter 12-week goals, you create a sense of urgency and focus that drives action. With the 12-week year approach, you can accomplish more in a shorter period of time, accelerating your progress and achieving your goals faster.”

Read Book Now: E-book | Paperback | Audiobook

“Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel H. Pink – This book explores the science behind motivation, uncovering strategies for setting meaningful goals and sustaining motivation in the pursuit of success.

Famous quote: “People are motivated when they have a sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Autonomy is the desire to direct our own lives, mastery is the urge to get better at something that matters to us, and purpose is the yearning to do something that serves a larger cause. When setting goals, it’s important to align them with your intrinsic motivation. Goals that allow for autonomy, encourage skill development, and connect to a greater purpose are more likely to be achieved and bring about lasting satisfaction.”

Read Book Now: E-book | Paperback | Audiobook

4 thoughts on “7 Ways to Set achievable Goals and Crush Them with Confidence”

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